This is the first time I have come across and read your newsletter, and I deeply enjoyed it. Thank you for sharing the lessons you are learning and the wonderful quotes/book recommendations.
Bolsters my desire for referendums on U.N. peace keeping to create access to U.N. peace keeping the formal U.N. structure would seem an obstacle to with regard for Palestine the idea is to petition elections agencies with an initiative for a referendum which would include, peace keeping as a main issues with sections for voting on local budgets and a monetary or non monetary system.
This is the first time I have come across and read your newsletter, and I deeply enjoyed it. Thank you for sharing the lessons you are learning and the wonderful quotes/book recommendations.
Thank you for taking the time to read, Aleksander! I deeply appreciate it!
Bolsters my desire for referendums on U.N. peace keeping to create access to U.N. peace keeping the formal U.N. structure would seem an obstacle to with regard for Palestine the idea is to petition elections agencies with an initiative for a referendum which would include, peace keeping as a main issues with sections for voting on local budgets and a monetary or non monetary system.