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"Turtle Island..."

For the Love of God, could you maybe tone down the virtue-signaling for even just for a moment?

You may see yourself as some kind of impeccably irreproachable high-minded social justice warrior;

fine. But someone should let you know what the rest of us outside your precious bubble see:

A naive, privileged, sanctimonious individual playing dress-up, and looking down on the rest of us --- who actually have real doubts as to your histrionic screaming about "genocide" and "de-colonization," and simply want to go about our own lives without being judged by a holier-than-thou finger-pointing cultural tourist who seems to think she is somehow more politically aware and evolved than we are.

Wearing you very own keffiyeh may seem to you like "an act of resistance and solidarity," but don't be surprised and don't complain when the rest of us roll our eyes, and smirk at your self-righteous cluelessness.

People have had enough.

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